3M Fluorinert FC-3283 Replacement

Product applications

Heat transfer media: semiconductor manufacturing equipment, chemical plants, environmental testing rooms, electronic devices, heat pipes, data centers, thermostatic chambers, exhaust heat recovery.

Reliability testing: A medium for reliability testing of electronic components and electronic devices (airtightness testing, thermal shock testing, voltage resistance testing, etc.).

Solvents & Dispersants: Solvents for diluting, dispersing and extracting resins and oils. Flash point adjustment medium.

Product Specifications Table

item value item value
Appearance Colorless transparent liquid Critical Pressure 1.22 x 106(pa)
Density(20℃,g/ml) 1.780-1.860 Vapor pressure 1.44 x 103(pa)
Viscosity(CST) 0.7-0.9 Latent heat of vaporization 78(J/g)
Absolute Viscosity 1.4(Cp) Specific heat 1100 (J kg-1°C-1)
Boiling point(℃) 123.0-133.0 Thermal conductivity 0.066 (W m-1°C-1)
Dielectric Strength(KV) ≥35 Expansion coefficient 0.0012(°C-1)
Distillation Range(%) ≥95% Refractive index 1.28
Average molecular weight 521(g/mol) Surface tension 14.6 (dynes/cm)
Pour Point -65 °C (-85°F)  FAlash point None
Critical Temperature 235(℃) ODP 0


1.5kg bottle ,20kg can